Secrets from the heart

Secret of the Heart
is a safe haven where you can
anonymously comment your secret with no restrictions.
And better yet, without sending a postcard in the mail!

It’s the new way to post your secret!

Secrets From The Heart

Monday, February 12, 2007

A Secret Heart Affair

Secret #1

I’m married to one man, but my heart belongs to an old flame.

Nobody knows and I’m afraid to let it show.

*A special thanks to all the responses. I will post your secrets!


Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Welcome to Secrets from the Heart! I am the Administrator and I am here to help and to listen.

Do you have a secret to share but you are too afraid to share it? This is the perfect place for you to share your secret without the fear of being rejected or scorn by your family or friends.

I like the idea of Post Secret, but when my secrets never made onto the page, I decided to start my own blog. And this time, it’s easier than ever to post your secret. Just post anonymously, and I can post it for you. And then people can comment and offer you support in the comments section.

Come on, share you secret. You know you want to!
